
15 Common Dog Training Mistakes

15 Mistakes You are Making with Your DOG

Even the most experienced guardians make mistakes with their dogs from time to time, this is why Rango Planet shares a dog training guide” 15 of the most common mistakes we make with dogs”.

Look at your interaction together and see if you can identify any dog training mistakes with your canine.

1- Neglect Their Vaccination Schedule

Some canine diseases can be deadly, it’s imperative we strictly follow the vaccination schedule for a puppy or recently adopted dog which has never been vaccinated, once the dog is an adult the veterinarian will recommend how often they need boosters.

2- Forget the Monthly Deworming Routine

Parasites are present in practically every country in the world, some can even be spread from dogs to humans and vice versa.

It’s important we consult with our veterinarian who will prescribe the most appropriate product for our dog.

3- Take Short Walks or Not Walk Your Dog

Take short walks one of the most important dog training, dogs must be walked to socialize explore and relieve themselves, generally it’s advisable to take between two and three walks a day of at least 30 minutes each, if we don’t, we’ll not be guaranteeing their well-being or meeting their basic needs.


4- Ignore Physical Exercise Needs

Ignore Physical Exercise Needs

In addition to walking, dogs need to exercise to maintain their muscles and channel stress properly. There are many options from jogging to plane fetch.

5- Don’t Stimulate Them Mentally

Mental stimulation is also very important, we do it through dog training sessions and k9 skill games or with the use of certain toys.

All this allows us to keep our dog’s minds active, promote learning and enrich their day-to-day.

6- Leave Your Dog Alone in the Car

The interior of a car can reach very high temperatures especially in summer, this can cause your dog to suffer heatstroke something that can be fatal if not treated in time. Therefore, we should never leave a dog alone in the car.

7- Allow Them to eat all Kinds of food

og eating

There are some foods that we should never offer to your dog such as chocolate, alcohol, onion or grapes. Discover more prohibited foods for dogs in the article that we share here “12 Human Foods that are dedicated for your Dog

8- Ignore Being Overweight and Obesity

This can decrease our longevity and lead to heart problems degeneration of their joints or diabetes. It’s essential to keep an eye on weight by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle exercising and controlling food portions.

9- Not Spending Time on dog Training and Education

These are basic pillars in the care of dogs, only in this way will we ensure they live in harmony with their environment are able to respond correctly to your instructions and avoid behavioral problems.

10- Don’t Socialize Puppies

Socialize Puppies

Socialization is a stage that begins at four weeks of age and ends at around three months, during this period it’s essential that the puppy interacts with all kinds of people animals and environments.

In this way, we will ensure that they know how to communicate correctly and we will avoid the fear of the unknown, and it`s one of the important things in dog training.

11- Use Physical Punishment

Punishment during dog training is completely counterproductive, it raises their stress levels, causes inattention and deteriorates the bond with their tutor. Instead of punishing behaviors that you dislike reinforce and empower appropriate behaviors with positive reinforcement.

12- Exposing Them to Tobacco Smoke

Exposure to tobacco substances can cause irritation, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, chronic sinusitis and cardiovascular disorders in your dog.

 13- Leave Them Alone for Long Periods

leaving your dog

A dog should not spend more than eight hours a day alone. Otherwise, the dog can fall into depression and various behavioral problems may appear, these include stress and destructiveness.

In our absence ideally, we will leave toys and accessories to enrich their environment and improve their well-being.

14- Forget Their Hygiene

We must keep our dog healthy and prevent the appearance of disease, the most important routines are brushing, dental hygiene and ear cleaning. But we must also bathe them regularly and express their anal glands when necessary.

15- Misunderstand Canine Language

Did you know that dogs communicate with us and other individuals in a constant basis? many guardians are completely unaware of canine body language and calming signals leading to lack of empathy and miscommunication.

Find out everything about canine body language in the article that we share here “How to Understand Your Dog Better“.

Tell us do you make sure you don’t make any of these mistakes with your dog? do you make dog training very well?

